Need a quote on insurance for your recycling truck or recycling operation? Simply fill out our fast and easy form and we’ll connect you with three agents today. They compete for your insurance and you select the winner.
Get the Best Quote on Recycling Truck Insurance
Over the past few years recycle hauling has gotten safer, but it’s still far from a risk-free industry. Getting solid insurance is a no-brainer considering all the dangers of recycling collection
- Accidents from backing up
- Rear-end collisions
- Accidents at intersections
- Collectors being struck by motorists
- Tipovers
- Employees falling off the truck
- Overhead hazards
- Hazardous material handling
Recycling pick-up is one of the most dangerous jobs out there. That’s why it’s important to get insured with the best coverages
Recycling Truck Coverages
- Auto Liability including pollution
- Auto Physical Damage
- Environmental Impairment Liability
- General Liability
- Umbrella Coverage
What Affects Your Cost
Several factors go into calculating the rate you’re charged for insurance. Most of these factors, such as where you live and how long you’ve been in business, are out of your hand. But there are certain ways you can tailor your policy to meet your budget.
Your Deductible. This is how much you pay following an accident that’s your fault. If you have a $1500 deductible, you will pay the insurance company $1500 and they will pay for everything else. The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.
Your Limit. This is the maximum amount the insurance company will pay after an accident. A higher limit will increase your premium.
Your Payment Plan. How often you pay your premium. It can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly. The insurance companies might give you a discount if you choose to pay less often.
How to Get Recycling Insurance
The best way to save on recyclers insurance is to request quotes from multiple agents. When you fill out our request a quote form, we connect you with three agents at once, who will each offer you insurance. You get to pick which plan is right for you